Hi Frank,
I really appreciate this comment and I learned some from it too. It got me doing some research like how we think about "Asia" and leave out places(India). I also want to acknowledge that this comment, brought up that feeling of wanting to be "right" or be a "good white person" which isn't what the work is about. So I am trying to move past those feelings and accept the feedback from you! I think you are further aware of pieces that I have not considered, like how many groups make up our simple categories, based on socially agreed visible traits. And how unfair it is when these limiting categories are different countries, cultures, and traditions that we have lumped into grossly underrepresented depictions of groups. It is making me think about how I represent the idea of race. I also do think that talking about race is important, and someone who has skin seen as black- will face prejudice in America, regardless of where they are from. I think I also want to challenge this idea that all these people are "invading" America when the historically accurate reality is that America has invited people over when it benefited them economically, and then created racist propaganda when creating racial tension was more beneficial to economic elites. I think I also went with the categories to call out how we have lumped physical attributes into perceptions of entire groups of people, but I did not do an excellent job of calling attention to how harmful "lumpings" of a variety of different people can be. Phew. Okay- so thoughts?